NOTE: This is (obviously) a very rough sketch of what I'm envisioning for our splash image. Essentially I see this as our album cover, and I think it'd be important for it to be a picture of the three of us. I'm thinking it's us in one third of the frame with a roomful of monkeys (actually just one monkey we shoot in many positions) at typewriters, and maybe a monkey leaping past us on our third. Yes this means a fancy photo shoot with a monkey. Maybe we fold that into our party with family?
This is a pretty crudely sketched out logo, but I can clean it up a lot if you dig this. Also, I want to work a bit with the typewriter font to make it feel a bit more like the typewriter is slightly broken (with slightly raised e's, for example).
This space is designed for three different reels. Eventually we would consolidate this into one larger reel about our work together, but for starting out, I think this would work.
The look of this will change pretty significantly (what with font selection and the idea that maybe the logos will build on differently), but this is here as a placeholder to say "this is where we put up a load of logos detailing who it is we've worked with previously". There's a bunch of logos not on here of companies you guys have worked with without me, please tell me if there's some good ones I should include.