By Millionth Monkey Productions




Format: Live action

Source Material: Public domain song “BINGO”

Description: This would be a version of the song “BINGO” (“There was a farmer, had a dog…”), except sung in a groovy cool beatnik jazz style with bongo drums, double bass, and flute, and modified slightly to be about a band featuring the rhythm of bongos. The singers would be a paper bag puppet beat jazz poetry combo, it would be shot in a dimly lit poetry café with real kids dressed as beats as customers, and everyone would snap instead of clapping for thesections where letters of BONGO are skipped. It would be real hip!

A little audio sketch:

Note: this wouldn't be final VO (this is composer Eugene Cho with rough VO), we have someone we think that would be really great for this...

Some potential new lyrics:

This peculiar cat played on the street and Bongo was his name-o
B O N G O, B O N G O, B O N G O and bongo was his name-o
He met some cats who liked his beat and Bongo was his name-o
- O N G O, - O N G O, - O N G O and Bongo was his name-o
They linked up with some chickadees now Bongo was their name-o
- - N G O, - - N G O, - - N G O and Bongo was their name-o
They jammed until it sounded sweet and Bongo was their name-o
- - - G O, - - - G O, - - - G O and Bongo was their name-o
They had the club up on their feet and Bongo was their name-o
- - - - O, - - - - O, - - - - O and Bongo was their name-o
They shared a bag of chips to eat and Bongo was their name-o
- - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - -, and Bongo was their name o, and Bongo was their name-o, and Bongo was their name-o

(Very) rough prototype puppet:

Just to get a feeling of the Paper bag puppet form... actual colors would be way more rich and vibrant


Format: Live action 360 movie

Source Material: Public domain song “Big Rock Candy Mountain”

Description: This would be a version of the song “Big Rock Candy Mountain” (slightly updated for modern kids) shot as a 360 video, featuring a chin-body puppet on the cameraman and costumed children running around a decorated scene in a park. The cameraman would have the 360 camera on a selfie stick in one hand and a stick controlling his puppet’s arm in the other hand. The vibe would be whimsical and fun.

Some potential new lyrics:

Oh, the buzzing of the bees in the peppermint trees
And the soda water fountain
The lemonade springs where the bluebird sings
On the Big Rock Candy Mountain
On the Big Rock Candy Mountain everything is really sweet
As far as you can see it’s a jubilee and you can always get a treat
The weather’s always pleasant, you can run and play freely
There's a root beer sea and the fish are gummi
You can ride all around it on a cool jet ski
In the Big Rock Candy Mountain
Oh, the buzzing of the bees in the peppermint trees
And the soda water fountain
The lemonade springs where the bluebird sings
On the Big Rock Candy Mountain
On the Big Rock Candy Mountain you can wear pajamas all day
All the critters you see are nice and friendly and they all want to cuddle and play
Having homework’s been abolished, You’re free to just be a kid
Oh I’m bound to go where there ain’t no snow
Where the rain don’t fall and the wind don’t blow
In the Big Rock Candy Mountain


Rough sketch of puppet setup:

The idea here is to integrate the 360 cameraman into the whimsical scene, for a fully immersive experience


Format: Live action photo montage

Source Material: Public domain “I’m packing a bag” game

Description: Shot as a photomontage and accompanied by peppy background music. We play a little game where we pack for an event or a trip. Its starts with a grown up asking "Where are we going?" then a beach background appears and the kids answer "The beach!". The next question is "What are we going to bring to the beach?" Then pictures are slowly revealed and they guess what the picture as it appears. First a beach blanket, then an umbrella, then a swimsuit and every once in a while something that doesn't make sense, like an elephant. The kids laugh. "You can't bring an elephant to the beach!"


Mood boards:

Fun peppy music with photomontage, basically.


Format: Live action

Source Material: Public domain song “Where is Thumbkin”

Description: Something involving fingers and thumbs with faces drawn on them, like that Android ad which was like these Steve Oedekirk movies, yadda yadda yadda. Maybe scenes with hidden figures (decorated fingers) who pop out and reveal themselves?

Quick little audio sketch:


Mood boards:


Format: Live action

Source Material: Public domain song “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”

Description: Something astronomy based, but kind of looking like an elementary school play... Maybe one kid dressed like a sun, one dressed like the earth, one dressed like the moon


Mood boards: