Greatest Knick ever Walt "Clyde" Frazier and I show off our rings (his championship, my wedding) on the set of C0NTR0L FR3AKS, 2006.


During my time at Comedy Central, I did a bunch of spots for integrated marketing, uniting the Comedy Central brand with that of a sponsor. These were always a lot of fun to do, and I got to do a lot of amazing stuff. Below are a few of my favorites.

From 2010, this was an integrated marketing spot for Pepto Bismol. Beard conceived by me, designed by the incredible Becky Hubbert. One of several innovative holiday products I got to design, plus I got to shoot with a monkey. Note the older Comedy Central logo - these were the very last spots made before the new CC logo was formally unveiled to the public in January of 2011.

A marketing project for Burger King, shot at a beautiful abandoned insurance building on Park Row in lower Manhattan. Opening credit by the genius cartoonist Michael Kupperman. Edited by Ken Webb.

An integrated marketing thing I did in 2011 about genies fulfilling the Christmas wishes Santa can't handle during the holiday season. It stars Ben Fine, the Johnny Depp to my Tim Burton. We called it "Glengenie Glen Ross".

This was made for Timberland boots in 2009. It stars Benjamin Fine, and features a large scrolling backdrop (designed by wünderkind Jesse Benjamin) and several puppets made from recycled plastic bottles. Art direction by the incredible Joe Cairo. It cuts down a megabillion bloated box office smash into a 15 second tight, cheap, charming, and soulful piece of theater. Now THAT'S how you recycle.