April schedule is ready! Three full weeks and then SPRING BREAK! Whooooooo!
April is here and we've got a whole new bunch of activities planned for our mornings. Only one new thing this month, the Tea Party Manners challenge on the 18th. That should be fun.
Other fun things this month:
- Hopefully at some point sooner rather than later this month we'll release the 360 film we made this week, THERE IS A MONSTER IN THE PLAYGROUND. We still have to shoot the credit sequence and I have to learn how to edit together a 360 film, but we're close to getting that done.
- Possibly a bird-centric treasure hunt on the 13th, since Zephyr is studying them at school. Good news for ornithologists!
- STYLE UPDATE: I want to try a new, more scientific writing voice this week, as an experiment. If it seems like it's working I might try and keep it up for the whole month, but let's see how it goes first.
- Maybe we'll shoot a (raunchy) Spring Break comedy during the last week of the month? Like, four and a half year old raunchy, so lots of butt and booger talk. Not really sure yet, this is almost certainly a terrible idea. But is it SO terrible that it's a great idea? I'll return to this idea later.
So stay tuned for more #parenting fun and #radicalhonesty! Tell me if you think I'm getting the hang of this.