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April 26 - Filmmaking (Location Scouting)

Today for filmmaking we needed to lay the groundwork for an upcoming 360 film we're making (for a rap video about the Brooklyn Bridge) and the first step was to do a location scout. So this morning, bright and early, we took out the camera for a few test shots at locations in the neighborhood.

Zephyr took the camera stand, to get a little of that PA experience.

Zephyr took the camera stand, to get a little of that PA experience.

We tried a few spots out for the video shoot... This first shot allows us to get in both the Brooklyn Bridge and the Peck Slip School where the kids who did the song (and my kids) go...

I'm not sure how these 360 videos work as an embed. You might need to go to Youtube to see them right.

These next two locations were both on the waterfront... pretty sweet bridge view!

Right about about here is when Zephyr asked me if the next location we could scout could be home. I nodded sagely... he had truly picked up something about location scouting already! We headed home and relaxed a bit more... Spring Break!

And then finally I went solo to the bridge itself to try out a shot on there. It was drizzling a bit, so a raindrop got on the lens. I'm not sold on the shot for the video, honestly. Probably more trouble than it's worth, as we'd want to shoot it really early to avoid a crowd. I'm not sure if the third graders who did the song are early morning types like my kids, but probably a safe assumption that they are not. Shooting with people too young to drink coffee can be its own challenge.