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May 1 - New Monthly Schedule!

Okay, a bit late here, but BOOM! It's May!

A few new things in the works for this month:

  • We'll be making superhero costumes on the 5th as part of an extended Superhero riff, which will hopefully give Lyric some more clothing options with which he feels comfortable.
  • There's some crafting on the 6th for Mother's Day on the 8th... working on something special for that!
  • My kids have been tussling recently (brothers), but I'm going to try an experiment on the 19th: I'm going to try and teach them the basics of wrestling, so they can have a set of rules to tussle with...
  • On the 30th, in honor of performance artist Marina Abramovic's half birthday, we're going to try something REALLY WEIRD. You will want to see it.

Stay tuned, Morning Funsters!