Back in it! It's been a pretty eventful hiatus... the big news is I got a new job at a great new place, but we also had an amazing time off in Niantic CT, discovered Pokémon GO, and did a bunch of coding!
The kids made their own lemonade stand and wrote fortunes and fun facts on the bottom of each cup. Take that, Snapple!
Magic hour, July 4th, Crescent Beach. No filter.
And we played so much Pokèmon Go that by the end they were totally blasè about walking past a Poliwag.
Zephyr has been amazing about Hopscotch, really motivated to make stuff. He's actually been doing it a lot on his own, like this little exercise where he built a little platform scroller that changed backgrounds when the character got to the end of the screen:
He also made this joystick to control a character on screen, and it totally made me realize how complex the code for a joystick is.
This was a project he made that turns his finger motions into spiraling emoji. He also used this to make a cool spinning wave.
And he's been trying to show Lyric how to code as well!
Zephyr teaching Lyric how to use Hopscotch
The only problem is we just updated and now the system looks a little different, which threw Zephyr off a little. It's that same feeling when suddenly there's a new MS Word and all the buttons you were used to being in one place are now in another. I'm confident we'll overcome it.