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August 4 - Veggie Challenge

Veggie Challenge day! The theme for this one: Greens! The rules were simple: I set down a small plate of green food and if the kids could eat them all in under two minutes, they win Veggie Points. At 350 veggie points they get a prize (Zephyr started the game with 155 points from previous challenges, Lyric had 100).

Parsley challenge! 

First round: Parsley for 100 points! they polished this one off quick.

Next round: Pear for 100 points! Also, they got through it fast. And then the next round was Garlic scapes for 200 points, but surprisingly they polished that one off so fast I didn't even get a chance to get a picture. They even asked for seconds! Good enough for a prize!

Pokèmon prizes! 

I gave them some pokémon toys I had previously had in my office. Went over big!

SELFGRADE: A-. Easy to do, got them eating veggies... everyone wins.