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March 13th - Chess Puzzles

For chess puzzles today, Zephyr and Lyric said they wanted to play each other, which I thought sounded like a capital idea. I'd coach them and help them along as they played.  

Zephyr happened to be wearing white pajamas and Lyric was wearing black pajamas, so picking sides was easy.  

I wasn't playing favorites with my coaching - essentially I was showing Lyric how the knight moved and telling Zephyr when he was going to get into a bad exchange of pieces. Eventually we got to a point where I saw a checkmate was possible and helped Lyric find it.  

With the black queen cutting off the king's flight squares and the knight (who couldn't be interposed or captured) delivering check... checkmate! Lyric wins!

All in all a very successful morning activity... Lyric got to taste his first victory in chess, Zephyr got some valuable experience, and I got the satisfaction of ending a game with a nice checkmate.