Yesterday's blizzard threw off the schedule a bit... we were scheduled to do Treasure Hunt today, but house rules prohibits doing a treasure hunt before having the Mystery Elves clean the house, so today I forced the kids to clean.
Their room wasn't in terrible shape, so I put Lyric on stuffed animal duty and Zephyr on Pokémon card duty.
Working together (with some prodding from me), we were able to get the room clean in no time at all, once they stopped goofing around. Truly it is the goofing around that derails our cleaning efforts usually. Cleanliness may be next to godliness but it is a ways away from goofiness.
And that left the room nice and tidy! With the boys off at school, I prepped the treasure hunt for tomorrow, which is all about the myth of Perseus! Tune in on my Facebook Live tomorrow morning at 7:30a EST if you want to check it out, but here's some prep photos I took:
Props for the Perseus treasure hunt: Hades' helmet, Hermes' winged sandals/sneakers, Athena's shield, and Haephestus' curved blades...
The rules for the hunt...
What the clues look like