Today, bright and early, I finished the last steps of my pre-prep for our monthly treasure hunt. This would be a new one for us: a treasure hunt outside in THE ELEVATED ACRE, one of my favorite secret parks in NYC.
Preparation for this one was kind of involved... It started this weekend at the beach, where I sourced 4 flat rocks and brought them home. Then, I used sharpies and nail polish to number them from one to four on one side and write riddles on the other side that had as their answers numbers between zero and nine:
Above: the rocks in the park.
The numbers on the rocks corresponded to the four digits in a combination lock I set:
... and the combination lock was holding shut a treasure chest filled with Pokémon.
We'd used this set up before in our treasure hunts.
This morning, bright and early, I placed the rocks in the elevated acre, then hurried home and wrote out riddles hinting at where the rocks could be found:
From top to bottom: 5 paces south from the trash can, under a bench, by a sculpture of a fallen leaf, at the foot of the stairs.
And then I let the kids try and decipher the clues as they looked for the rocks. I tried getting the hunt as a livecast, but I couldn't trim it right. But here it is anyway! Spoiler alert: they solved it and got the prizes!
Forgot to post these the past few days, but still keeping up with it.