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June 7 - Karaoke Star Time

The kids were playing Pokemon with giant cards with each other this morning, and it was pretty sweet so I didn't feel too much pressure to get them doing today's morning activity.

But I felt like I would've regretted not doing anything, so I tried to see if I could quickly teach Zephyr the first few bars to "Peter Piper" by Run DMC. This YouTube karaoke video for it is really high quality (except for a few mistaken lyrics):

The degree of success in teaching Zephyr was... not so much.

#MorningFunManifesto Karaoke day - Zephyr tries learning Run DMC's "Peter Piper"

A video posted by Robert Sosin (@chompyduchamp) on

Selfgrade: C. I barely tried, could've done a lot better. I like the idea of teaching him Peter Piper for Poetry for Prizes day, though.

May 11 - Karaoke Star Time

Okay, I'll be honest... Karaoke Star Time was kind of a bust today. The kids were very low energy, possibly because I didn't get to hype them up for it last night (date night for my wife and I). We did manage to get a little "Hungry Like The Wolf" in...

Duran Duran Karaoke Star Time on #MorningFunManifesto!

A video posted by Robert Sosin (@chompyduchamp) on

BUT. But but but.

Yesterday we DID get a chance to do some filming on our 360 rap video for the Peck Slip Rap Club's "Brooklyn Bridge Rap", and oh man, is it looking awesome. I got a chance to look through the footage today and it is looking FRESH TO DEATH.

A few teaser images:

Daryl rocking the ferry

Ethan bringing the elephant in like BLAOW

Oh SNAP you guys. Jake is so good in this.

Basia kicking it so nice. You can see Zephyr in his "Scoob Lover" role in the back...

Zen dropping the mad knowledge

At one point Jake does this insane dance move? Noiiiiiiiice!

Basia roaring like a dungeon dragon...

Ethan living large

I'm still screening, but I'm VERY happy with what we were able to get. Thanks to the rap club for such a great performance. Stay tuned!

April 13 - Karaoke Star Time

Well, since I messed up and didn't get my act together yesterday to get a treasure hunt going, today was Karaoke star time. We had done something like this last month and Zephyr had been itching to do it again, but he was somewhat low energy for a few tracks. I think the reading got to him... typical rookie karaoke problem, honestly. I figure if he gets his Malcolm Gladwell-esque 10,000 hours of karaoke practice in starting now, by the time he's 30 he is going to have THE most killer set.

Of course, this is still at the very start of those 10,000 hours still. So with that in mind, here's Zephyr's take on the Violent Femme's "Blister in the Sun":

Boy, this is a pretty fun song to sing. And before you say, "Hey, you know what that song is about, right?" let me tell you 1) no it actually isn't and 2) Even if it is, so what? It's just a great song, and getting quiet and then getting loud is an awesome thing to put in a song. I honestly don't know why more songs don't do it. This and "Shout" by the Isley Brothers are pretty much it for that technique.

Oh you think you can do better? Then you take a crack at it!

Even better, have your kids do it. If they're super-adorable doing it, post that video and send it to me!